• Gourmet Hotel Castel
  • Tirolo, (South Tyrol), Italy, 2015-2021
  • Interior Design of a 5-star hotel and its starred restaurant

    Interior design, furniture design, styling of:
    Public spaces (reception, lobby, shop, bar, terrace and dining rooms), starred gourmet restaurant of Gerhard Wieser, and spa - 2021;
    Bar - 2019;
    Vintage-Rooms - 2017; Garden-Suites - 2015.
  • Team:Veronica Lobina, Elena Casati (2021);
    Karin Innerhofer (2019);
    Barbara Tröbinger, Franziska Forster (2015-17)
  • Credits:Architectural project: Arch. Joachim Clemens

    Spa Consulting: Fatima Diagana

    Photography: Michael Königshofer, Patrick Schwienbacher (photo 7, 9)